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About  Cashat

Comienza a experimentar con la fotografia desde muy joven.


En un afan de exploracion y crecimiento, Carlos, siempre ha buscado la aventura,

Llevandolo  a lugares increibles que bien podrian pertenecer a los escenarios

Extraordinarios de algun libro de fantasia. Desde conquistar montañas hasta bucear en las profundidades del oceano, siempre ha tenido ese interes por encontrar mas que lugares, experiencias inolvidables. Despues de haber recorrido varios caminos que la vida le planteo, yendo desde video aficionado, ingenieria,informatica hasta animacion digital, uniendo todo en su estudio, no es hasta la llegada de la era digital a la fotografia cuando decide retomar este arte una ves mas y compartir con la gente esas maravillosas experiencias y  su manera tan peculiar de ver el mundo.


He began experimenting with photography at a young age.


In an effort of exploration and growth, Carlos, has always sought adventure, Taking him to incredible places that could well belong in the pages of some extraordinary fantasy book. From conquering mountains to diving into the depths of the ocean, he has always had this interest in finding, more than places, unforgettable experiences.

After traveling several paths that life threw in front of him, ranging from amateur video aficionado, engineering, computer science to digital animation,  and combining everything in his studio, it is not until the arrival of the digital age to photography when he decides to take up this art form once more  and share with people these wonderful experiences and his peculiar way of seeing the world.

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